PHP For Beginners Tutorial 4 - php.ini and phpinfo

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PHP for beginners #4 - php info and php ini

Code in hagerigna | ኮድ በ ሃገርኛ | YouTube[Subscribe]

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Php for beginners part 4:- Dealing with php.ini file

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Getting & setting PHP values of php.ini and getting server, operating system & PHP details to Manag

We can get the PHP installation details by using phpinfo(), but we need to extract specific details from the output to manage our script. We can get operating system details by using php_uname(), we can also get about host name, release name, versio...

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PHP Tutorial 9:- PHP ini phpinfo

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How To View Your PHP Setting With PHPInfo Page |What Is PHPInfo Function And PHP .ini File

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PHP.ini and phpinfo

How to configure the php.ini and phpinfo applications

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#1.5 Краткий обзор файлов и папок PHP. Конфигурации и настройки файла php.ini и функция phpinfo().

Помощь проекту: WMR: R288272666982 WMZ: Z293550531456 Яндекс.Деньги: 410011531129223 Блог: Полезное в блоге: Пабл�...

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In this video you will be introduced to php info,php ini and php tags..Video by

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So in this video I explain what exactly the php.ini file is and how we can use it to configure our server setup. To find the location of your php.ini file simply run phpinfo(); within one of your PHP files and it will give you the location. Did you ...

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